
Limitations of commercial obligations according to the New Commercial Code in Spain

The Commercial Code in Spain establishes the regulation for the different phases of a contract’s life, from pre-contractual phase to the contract’s extinction and incompletion, The new regulation aims a more efficient market.

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Company Requirements of the Youth Contract in Spain

The youth contract can improve the number of young people obtaining first hand experience in small and medium businesses and freelancers. It is only applicable to those who are unemployed and under the age of 30 who have either no work exprience or less than three months experience. The prospect of a permanent contract means that there will be many benefits and bonuses as a result of the youth contract. 

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ETT españa

New Commercial Code in Spain: commercial obligations and contracts

The Commercial Code in Spain establishes the regulation for the different phases of a contract’s life, from pre-contractual phase to the contract’s extinction and incompletion, The new regulation aims a more efficient market.

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Concept and purposes of the due diligence in Spain

The due diligence refers to an investigation procedure prior to acquiring or investing in a project. The aim of the due diligence is to give the investor or buyer a full knowledge of all the costs, benefits and risks involved in the transaction, so that he can take a reflexive decision.

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Seizure of a main residence in Spain due to debts to Social Security

The Entrepeneurs Act aims to find a different solution for debt collection procedures by facilitating a second opportunity to self-employed workers affected by the debt collection procedure.  

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Commercial companies in Spain: partnerships and venture capital companies

The creation or development of a project or activity in Spain will need to comply with the regulations within the Spanish new Commercial Code. The general provisions will depend on the type of company: partnership or venture capital company.

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time is money

The monitorio procedure in Spain: A fast way to recover debts in Spain

The main objective of the monitorio proceeding is the quick resolution of recovery claims. It has proven to be very useful for both entrepreuneurs and smes in the collection of commercial debts in Spain.

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Regulation of labour breaks during working hours in Spain

If a company in Spain, not obligated by an agreement or contract with the workers, considers the coffee break as working time, it cannot demand the workers to make up that time. That is an acquired right of the workers and any change would suppose a substantial modification on the conditions of the work contract.

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Abogados tecnología de la información

Complaint forms and the Law of Data Protection in E-Commerce in Spain

Like any other form of trade, E- Commerce in Spain must have complaint forms available to their users. These forms, which contain personal data of users, must comply with the so-called LOPD (Ley Orgánica de la Protección de los Datos Personales), the general Law on Data Protection. In case of non- compliance, the business could be confronted with severe sanctions.

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Effects of the next fiscal Reform in Spain

The Preliminary Law on Fiscal Reform in Spain is creating a much more effective business competition aimed at both self-employed workers and businesses. The Reform proposes changes to tax on companies (TC), tax on the income of individuals (TII), tax agency, and VAT regarding e-commerce.

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