New regulation on Foundations in Spain
The draft Law on Foundations in Spain intends to guarantee the better exercise of the right of establishment and compliance with the accompanying obligations arising from formation, not only through the foundation itself – through the purpose which justifies its existence – but also the public administrations that monitor its performance and grant, if need be, tax benefits to them.
Incentives and tax bonuses for SME in Spain
The new fiscal measures that benefit small sized entreprises or SMEs in Spain reduce the Corporate tax to as low as 20,25%.
The Spanish Copyright Law
Thanks to the introduction of the European directives, copyright law has been harmonized throughout the European territory, including Spain, and has strengthened legal protection of creators.
The liquidation of companies in Spain
The liquidation of a company in Spain is a legal option chosen in a shareholder’s meeting. It leads to the splitting of the company’s assets after complying with its obligation of payment to creditors.
Temporary contracts in Spain and their termination
The temporary work experience contract, the temporary contract for a project or service or the temporary contract depending on production circumstances are the types of temporary contract that exist in Spain. They are all regulated by the Workers’ Statute and, despite their temporary nature, early termination may be considered as dismissal.
What is the Declaration of Heirs in Spain?
When a person in Spain dies without drawing up a will, the heirs are determined based on a declaration of heirs, which can be made before a notary when the stated heirs are ancestors, descendants or a spouse, or before a judge in the remaining cases.
Collective agreements in Spain
Collective agreements are agreements between unions and employers that establish wages, work schedule and other work conditions. Additionally, these agreements allow the adjustment of the rules of the company’s business sector.
The First Employment Youth Contract in Spain
The youth contracts aim to encourage young people employment in Spain . Young people must meet definite requirements.
The burden of proof of extra hours in the case of dispute in Spain
In Spain, the burden of proof of extra hours falls on both parties; the worker must show the excess time worked and the business owner must confirm the work carried out. However, in France the burden of proof does not particularly fall on either party.
New form to exercise the right to be forgotten in Google
On May 13, 2014, the European Court of Justice held that search engines on the Internet are responsible to protect the personal information of users on the web. As a result of the judgment, the search engine Google now provides a form by which users are able to demand the deletion of links to outdated or inappropriate information pertaining to their private life.