Training Contracts in Spain Not Linked to Certificates

Section two of the eighth transitional provision of Law 3/2012, of July 6, 2012, on urgent measures to reform the labour market regulates contracts for training and learning that do not link to attaining a professional or vocational training certificate related to perform work.

Recall that the Royal Decree Law 16/2013 modified Law 3/2012 and Royal Decree 1529/2012 to extend until December 31, 2014, the possibility of temporarily collecting contracts for training and learning not linked to professional or vocational training certificates, which would have expired on December 31, 2013.

Contracts for training and learning that do not link to attaining a professional or vocational training certificate related to work performed fall temporarily under the following procedure:

  • The agreement for the training activity requires formalizing in Annex II, which appears on the SPEE (Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal) website. This is not the same application established in the Order on the authorization of beginning the training activity.
  • In each case, the training centre that subscribes to the agreement must send a copy to the SPEE provincial address, which corresponds with the location of the job, (regardless of that agreement) together with the contract.
  • The funding of the costs of training must comply with the provisions of the Order.
  • The SPEE will carry out the management, control, and monitoring of the contracts for training and learning covered in this transitional provision and without prejudice to the information that it provides to each Autonomous Community about contracts for training and learning registered within its territory.

For more information on training contracts in Spain not linked to certificates,

Please note that this article is not intended to provide legal advice.

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