The First Employment Youth Contract in Spain

Law 11/2013 on measures of support for entrepreneurs to stimulate growth and jobs has come to establish a good number of contracts specifically created to benefit both small and medium businesses and freelancers as well as groups of workers with exceptional difficulty finding work, such as young people less than 30 years old. In this notice, we want to particularly emphasize the first employment youth contract.

There are two general characteristics of the first employment youth contract:

  • It is a temporary contract for the precise purpose of allowing a young person to gain his or her first professional experience.
  • If the contract is made permanent, a bonus will be able to be agreed upon with business contributions to the Spanish Social Security System.

It will be sufficient to indicate the acquisition of a first professional experience as justification for the contract’s temporary nature. In this way, the reason for the temporary nature will remain justified without the risk that the contract be considered permanent.

Requirements of the workers

  • Unemployed young people registered with the Spanish Office of Employment, less than 30 years old or less than 35 years old if recognized as having equal to or more than 33% degree of disability.
  • Have no work experience or less than three months of work experience.

Features of contract

For a fixed period:

  • The minimum duration of the contract will be three months and the maximum duration six months, except as provided for in the Collective Agreement (but which can still not exceed 12 months).
  • Full or part-time work greater than 75% of that of a comparable worker.

For further information regarding employment contracts in Spain,

Please note that this article is not intended to provide legal advice.

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