The importance of real estate funds in Spain

Investments in real estate funds in Spain are currently attractive due to low interest rates. For individual investors, there exists the advantage of being able to invest in real estate funds in larger projects such as shopping malls or office complexes. There is a distinction between open and closed real estate funds.

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The Right Time to invest in the Real Estate in Spain

The Spanish real estate market has begun their 2016 recovery and growth perspectives, which are promising so far. E: The real estate market is making progress and it is the right time to buy property in Spain. Prices are low, perspectives are positive and the market is dynamic. It is a prime time for individuals outside of Spain to invest in properties. However, it is important to understand the buying process in Spain to avoid complications.

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Real estate investment companies increase their profits

In 2015, large real estate investment firms tripled their profits compared to the former year. Their profitability through dividends and the recovery of the real estate sector in Spain predict new profits once again this year for these investment vehicles in real estate assets for rent.

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2013 was the Year of Foreign Investment in Spain

The rate of foreign investment in the Spanish real estate sector has grown by 1,4% in 2013 compared to 2012. Moreover, at the same time, the value of Spanish property decreased by 9,46% from the price recorded in 2012. Spain attracts foreign investors who can obtain legal residence and permission to work within Spanish territory by purchasing the property.

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