Real Estate

horizontal property

The horizontal property regime in Spain: condominium

The horizontal property regime, the equivalent of the condominium in English, is established per se by the partition of a building or a housing development among several owners. However, its constitution through a master deed and its regulation by statutes or internal rules allows considering the particular needs of each homeowners association.

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The deposit contract in real estate transactions

The deposit contract in real estate transactions in Spain

A valid deposit contract for both parties must include, amongst other items: the conditions of sale (namely, price, means and conditions of payment, conditions of the property – physical, registry and administrative), and distribution of the expenses and financial obligations derived from the transaction.

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Capital Gains Tax Spain

Important changes to the Capital Gains Tax in Spain

The Royal Decree-Law 26/2021 incorporates new rules to address the treatment of the Capital Gains Tax in Spain (IIVTNU). Article 104.5 of the Law Regulating Local Tax Office, which includes a new condition to not being subject to the tax, and Article 107 (which establishes two new calculation methods for the tax base of the Capital Gains Tax, in the case of capital gain) stand out.

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Legal Framekwork of the SOCIMI in Spain

Legal Framekwork of the SOCIMI in Spain

In order to boost the real estate market in Spain, the figure of the SOCIMI (real estate investment company) emerged in 2009. These are listed companies that principally carry out the acquisition, promotion, and restoration of leasehold urban assets.

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