
Despido improcedente en españa

What to Do When a Dismissal is Judicially Declared as Unfair in Spain?

The concept of unfair dismissal in the Spanish Workers’ Statute (Estatuto de los Trabajadores) has changed after the labour reform of February 2012. Presently, an employer does not have to …

Measures of Support for Entrepreneurs to Stimulate Growth and Job Creation in Spain

The new Law 4/2013 (February 22) provides measures of support for entrepreneurs to stimulate growth and jobs.  The new law became effective on February 24, 2013. The following are measures …


Keys to Draft Franchising Contracts in Spain

Franchise is a term, now incorporated into our vocabulary, to designate a new form of business.  This business type is based on the transfer of a foreign-business model of transferring …

Amendment of Law for Consumer Credit Contracts in Spain

Under Law 16/2011 of 24 June of consumer credit contracts, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competition incorporated into the Spanish legal system Directive 2008/48/EC of the European Parliament and …

Parliament Approves European Union Unitary Patent Rules

After 30 years of discussion, there is finally good news for European Union (EU) inventors interested in obtaining a unitary patent. This new patent will be less expensive and more …

Reform of the land transport management in Spain

This Reform of land transport management in Spain aims to improve competition and business efficiency in the transportation sector and achieve optimization of road-passenger transport utilities. Within this article you …


The Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Spain

On December 12, 2012, the European Parliament and Council issued a new European Union (EU) Regulation, Number 1215/2012 on the jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and …

Despido improcedente en españa

Contract Termination or Dismissal Due to Economic Reasons in Spain

The Spanish Labor Law has recently undergone some major changes. The current crisis and the subsequent executive effort to maintain competitiveness in our economy have motivated the adoption of the …


Permanent employment contract supporting entrepreneurs in Spain

Considering the Labor Reform of February 12, 2012, we can affirm that one of the greatest novelties in contracts for hiring employees is the creation of the Permanent Employment Contract …

Investment opportunity for foreigners in Spain

According to the official estimate of the Ministry of Development, in the current struggling housing market, there are between 680,000 and 900,000 unsold new houses in Spain. Last year 361,831 …