Obtaining a Residence Permit by Investing in Spain
Mariscal Abogados participated in an interview on Spanish television and explained how to acquire the Spanish residence permit after the adoption of the Law of Entrepreneurs.
Directors’ retribution in the bylaws of the company in Spain
On March 7, 2013, the General Directorate of Registries and Notary issued a decision concerning the appeal against the Commercial and Personal Property Registrar’s refusal to register a public deed of company agreements. The decision outlines that to counter the presumption of gratuity, the bylaws must specify:
How to execute a will in Spain
Articles 657 et seq. of the Spanish Civil Code regulate Inheritance Law in Spain. It governs the transfer of a deceased individual’s assets, rights, and obligations to the heir, either through a will or applicable provisions in the absence of one.
The extrajudicial payments agreement procedure in Spain
In Spain, a natural person debtor requests a bankruptcy mediator from their local notary, while entrepreneurs or legal entities approach the Commercial Registrar at the registered office. The request for an extrajudicial payment agreement includes financial details, creditor lists, current contracts, and anticipated monthly expenses.
Withdrawal of the lease agreement in Spain
The approval of the 4/2013 Act of June 4, on the relaxation and promotion of the housing rental market measures, amended Article 11 of the Urban Lease Act. According to …
New Debt Settlement Procedure for Entrepreneurs in Spain
The Entrepreneur Support Act (Law 14/2013), effective from September 27, has brought about reforms. Notably, it has increased flexibility in the quorum of financial creditors for court approval of refinancing agreements. Moreover, regulations now govern extrajudicial payment agreements as tools for negotiating with creditors outside the judicial process.
Promotion of investments by venture capital funds in Spain
Spain is addressing economic challenges with state investments to boost private investment. Rajoy’s economic growth and entrepreneurship support plan include a proposed law to encourage venture capital fund investments in the country.
Attendance to Shareholders’ Meeting in Spain by electronic means
According to the Spanish Corporations Act, shareholders can attend meetings by electronic means. However, only public limited companies in Spain are currently able to use this method of attendance if the company’s bylaws authorize it. Attendance by electronic means must guarantee the identity of the individual who is attending the meeting electronically.
Amendments to the Consumer Protection Act in Spain
The legal term for a consumer to withdraw from a contract extends to 14 calendar days (if the consumer did not receive the proper information, the term extends to 12 …