
Contract Spain

Transformation of a Temporary Contract into a Permanent Contract in Spain

There are some cases for which a temporary contract or service can become a permanent one if the company is not careful or acts recklessly. Thus, it becomes a permanent …

Termination of a Temporary Contract in Spain

The temporary contract in Spain promotes specific work or service independently realized during a particular period and can be full- or part-time employment. Once the contract has ended, the employer …

Despido improcedente en españa

Objective Dismissals in Spain: Dismissal for Organizational Reasons

The Spanish Labour Legislation contains several grounds for objective dismissal, and among these is the category of dismissals for economic, organizational, technical, and production reasons. These reasons are the same …

Contracts for Specific Projects or Services in Spain

There are some main features and formalities related to an employment contract for a particular project or service, which falls into the group of so-called temporary contracts. Like other contracts …

2013 was the Year of Foreign Investment in Spain

The rate of foreign investment in the Spanish real estate sector has grown by 1,4% in 2013 compared to 2012. Moreover, at the same time, the value of Spanish property decreased by 9,46% from the price recorded in 2012. Spain attracts foreign investors who can obtain legal residence and permission to work within Spanish territory by purchasing the property.

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Consequences of Breaching the Flat Rate Requirements in Spain

The Royal Decree-Law 3/2014 of February 28 on urgent measures to promote employment and contracts of indefinite duration, approved on March 1, will not affect the number of economic benefits …

Spanish Companies increase their Purchases and Sales via Internet

According to the latest data from the National Statistical Institute (NSI), 98% of Spanish companies with 10 or more employees had an internet connection in January 2013. This means that …

Employment Changes in International Mobility for Entrepreneurs in Spain

Among the modifications made with the approval of Act 14/2013, the Act examines the regulation of international mobility, which facilitates and expedites the authorisation of visas and residence permits for …

Exceptions to the Flat Rate on Contracts of Indefinite Duration in Spain

The reductions provided for in Royal Decree-Law 3/2014 shall not apply to several cases, which include: Considering the above exclusions, there are excepted cases described in the 10th provision of …

Contributions to Social Security for Contracts of Indefinite Duration in Spain

On March 1, 2014, the Official State Bulletin of Spain (BOE) published the Royal Legislative Decree 3/2014 of February 28 on urgent measures to promote employment and contracts of indefinite …