
Setting-up a subsidiary in Spain

One of the main investment alternatives in Spain for a foreign company is the establishment of a subsidiary. This article briefly reviews the two main types of companies in Spain and the ordinary procedures for their establishment.

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Drastic changes in international inheritance law

From August 2015 on there will be new rules in international inheritance law; from that date on, the applicable law will be the one from the country where the deceased last lived or had his regular residence.

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Corporate Merger in Spain: Merger by creation or merger by absorption

Compared to 2013, in 2014, the number of mergers and acquisitions in Spain grew to 54%. The principle factors that have motivated this growth are the improvement of the economy and the increase of foreign investment in Spain. For 2015, this upward trend is expected to continue.

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Definition and requirements of a collective dismissal in Spain

A collective dismissal in Spain, regulated in Art. 51 of the Worker’s Statute, must be modified due to its inconformity with EU Law. Two European judgments provide details on the term.

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Setting-up a branch vs. subsidiary in Spain

This article briefly analyses the main differences between setting up a branch or a subsidiary; these differences should be kept in mind when choosing one or the other as a way of investing in Spain.

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The acquisition of property in Spain by non-resident foreigners

More and more non-resident foreign nationals, attracted by the good economic climate, decide to buy a property in Spain. The drop in real estate prices has increased the number of investors.

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The permanence agreement in a company in Spain

A permanence agreement in a company in Spain is a signed written agreement where a worker undertakes to provide services to a company for a period not exceeding two years. The breach of this agreement entitles the employer to receive compensation for damages.

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How to exclude the shareholder of a company in Spain

There are legal and statutory reasons for excluding a shareholder in Spain. Any shareholder who voted for an exclusion resolution is entitled to bring an exclusion action on behalf of the company.

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New Criminal Liability of Companies in Spain

According to the new reform of the Spanish Penal Code, a company’s criminal responsibility depends on its compliance with the duty of supervision and control established by the legislation, in which case it may be exonerated of the crime.

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Relationship between money laundering and the protection of data in Spain

The new regulation regarding the prevention of money laundering crimes and the financing of terrorism affects some conditions of the legislation regarding the protection of personal data information in Spain.

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