
Pprocedural measures in Spain, the Law 3/2020

Procedural measures in Spain, the Law 3/2020

This informative note deals with the procedural and organizational measures to deal with COVID-19 in the field of the Administration of Justice in Spain, as included in Law 3/2020, of 18 September. We analyze its chapters and summarize their most relevant points.

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energy reform Spain

Promotion of the energy reform in Spain: the Royal Decree-law 23/2020

Royal Decree-Law 23/2020 approves energy measures for economic recovery after the COVID-19 crisis and represents a boost for renewable energies (RES-E) and the energy transition in Spain.

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F: temporary layoff procedures Spain

Temporary Layoff Procedure (ERTE) in Spain: Royal Decree-law 30/2020

The Royal Decree-law 30/2020 on social measures in defense of employment addresses extensions for force majeure Temporary Redundancy Plans, as well as Temporary Redundancy Plans due to economic, technical, organizational, or production reasons linked to COVID-19. It also introduces Temporary Redundancy Plans for impeded or limited activities.

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Can the company invoice in foreign languages or currencies?

Can the company issue or receive invoices in foreign languages or currencies?

The tax regulation in Spain (Royal Decree 1619/2012) establishes the language and currency to invoice. The language of invoices The company can issue and receive invoices in any of the …

Preliminary steps to build a solar plant

What are the steps to follow to build a solar plant in Spain

Solar plants in Spain require many legal requisites, including securing the land rights where they will be located, requesting access points and connection to the electricity grid and depositing guarantees.

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law remote working

The Spanish government approves the regulation on remote working

The health crisis by COVID-19 has exponentially increased the number of people working remotely, in particular, those teleworking in Spain. The lack of a specific regulation, however, caused legal uncertainty for both the company and the workers. Hence, the Spanish Government has decided to regulate this type of work.

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Is Company Directors’ Remuneration Tax deductible in Spain?

The remuneration of directors of a Spanish company is deductible from the corporate income tax. However, the company’s bylaws must expressly contemplate the remunerated character of the post, and the remuneration scheme used to pay the director must be determined with certainty.

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ERTE for COVID-19 resurgence in Spain, how should the company apply for it?

The Royal Decree-law 24/2020 of 26 June provides for specific labour measures to mitigate the impact of the new pandemic outbreaks on the activity of companies in Spain: ERTEs on the grounds of force majeure and ERTE due “to resurgence” of COVID-19.

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Priority of workers’ representatives in the ERTE

Priority of keeping workers’ representatives in the company in the COVID-19 ERTE

The Workers’ Statute grants workers’ representatives priority to remain in the company or the workplace over other workers. Recent judgments in Spain limit this prerogative in the COVID-19 ERTE.

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Company claims for undue payments

Company claims for Undue Payments to Workers

The basis to claim an undue payment appears in articles 1895 and 1901 of the Spanish Civil Code and resides in the legal obligation between a person who receives what he/she is not entitled to and the entity that makes the payment by mistake.

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