Prohibition regarding successive temporary employment contracts in Spain
The prohibition on successive temporary contracts was established once again stating that if a worker completes two or more temporary contracts which amount to more than 24 months out of a total period of 30, this worker becomes indefinite.
Changes to the Part-Time Employment Contract in Spain
The Royal Decree law 16/2013 has implented measures on ensuring that part-time work contracts favour stable hiring and that it improves the employability of workers in Spain. This means that long term part time contracts have the opportunity to be reviewed and entered into a more permanent contract, making the hiring process much more effective.
The Economic Significance of the EU Data Protection Reform
The objectives of the data protection reform is to provide a higher level of control over collected data and unify data protection rules across the European Union. In the practice these measures will cut costs for Spanish companies who are operating in other member countries and thus make them more competitive on the global market.
Conversion of Temporary Contracts into Fixed Contracts in Spain
Temporary contracts will becomes permanent when, in a period of 30 months, the worker has been contracted for more than 24 months in the same company with two or more temporary contracts. In addition, time is also counted for the worker’s having provided services for the same group of companies even if they are different.
The Use of the Electronic Cigarette in Spain
The use of the electronic cigarette in Spain is being partially regulated in accordance with the Law 28/2005 in order to comply with health and safety regulations. Although the use of electronic cigarettes is not limited to all of the same restrictions as smoking (e.g. indoors: public administration buildings), it does restrict their sale to minors and it also regulates advertisements for electronic cigarettes which may no be broadcast during the hours of children´s television for example.
Deductions Relating to Income Tax with the New Tax Reform in Spain
The new tax reform in Spain lowers the income tax by about 12.5% and provides a deduction for taxpayers with large families, elderly family members, or disabled dependents. This means that these taxpayers will be able to deduct about 1,200 Euros per year, an amount which, depending on the case, may increase.
The Role of the General Meeting of Shareholders in Spain
The role of the general meeting of shareholders in Spain differs according to whether it is a listed company or not. Therefore, there are different characterists depending on what type of company it is.
Requirements and Length of the Work Experience Contract in Spain
The purpose of the work experience contract is for contracted workers to acquire practical training. For this reason, the tasks to develop must always be bound to the theoretical training they have received.
New Commercial Code in Spain: The Right of Competition and Industrial Property
Although there are international conventions that rule intellectual property rights, Spain has recently included in its draft of the New Commercial Code important changes that will affect the Law of Competition and Industrial Property.
The Reform of the Companies Act in Spain
The reform of the companies act in Spain focuses on the urgency for listed companies to update their corporate governance systems and affects shareholders’ general meetings, director’s remuneration and board of directors among other. It came into force on the 1st January 2015.