The profession of Procurador in Spain
The procurador profession is specific to Spain and remains essential for the development and simplification of the judicial procedures in the country. Despite this character has been continuously questioned, their role is fundamental to facilitates the communication between the clients and the court.
Working Time Record becomes compulsory in Spain
The modification of Article 34 of the Workers’ Statute through Royal Decree-Law 8/2019 introduces new regulations for companies to comply with. Maintenance of the daily record of working hours (start and end times) is one of the new measures.
Conversion from an Autonomous worker to a Limited Company
Among the advantages of converting from an autonomous worker to a limited company includes professional commercial image, limited liability, easy access to banking finances and lower taxes when the benefits are high.
The proceedings of public contracting in Spain: regulation and principles
Public contracting in Spain is a complicated process that includes numerous types of contracts and bidding procedures; specialized advice is essential.
The Piggyback agreement for exporting companies
The Piggyback agreement is a form of business collaboration agreement where a company willing to move into a new market uses another company’s distribution network in exchange for a commission.
Good faith negotiation in the framework of business restructuring
The Supreme Court has recently issued its first ruling on the issue of negotiating in good faith by workers’ representatives: if there is no malicious concealment, nothing prevents the claim from invoking the existence of a labour group of companies.
Video surveillance measures in the framework of management control
Business control is a function that allows companies to evaluate the actions undertaken and the results obtained by their employees. The arrival of new technologies has allowed for an improvement …
Building agents in Spain: definition and types
The Building Regulation Act (BRA) in Spain establishes in article 8 that all people involved in a building process are to be considered building agents. It is worth considering who is classified under this condition as well as the different types of building agents in Spain.
Advantages of the phantom shares contract
The phantom shares contract constitutes an alternative form of remuneration of key executives and managers. Among its various advantages, a company can retain and motivate staff or convert fixed costs into variables.