Publications List


Temporary contracts in Spain and their termination

The temporary work experience contract, the temporary contract for a project or service or the temporary contract depending on production circumstances are the types of temporary contract that exist in Spain. They are all regulated by the Workers’ Statute and, despite their temporary nature, early termination may be considered as dismissal.

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What is the Declaration of Heirs in Spain?

When a person in Spain dies without drawing up a will, the heirs are determined based on a declaration of heirs, which can be made before a notary when the stated heirs are ancestors, descendants or a spouse, or before a judge in the remaining cases.

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Collective agreements in Spain

Collective agreements are agreements between unions and employers that establish wages, work schedule and other work conditions. Additionally, these agreements allow the adjustment of the rules of the company’s business sector.

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New form to exercise the right to be forgotten in Google

On May 13, 2014, the European Court of Justice held that search engines on the Internet are responsible to protect the personal information of users on the web. As a result of the judgment, the search engine Google now provides a form by which users are able to demand the deletion of links to outdated or inappropriate information pertaining to their private life.

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Company Requirements of the Youth Contract in Spain

The youth contract can improve the number of young people obtaining first hand experience in small and medium businesses and freelancers. It is only applicable to those who are unemployed and under the age of 30 who have either no work exprience or less than three months experience. The prospect of a permanent contract means that there will be many benefits and bonuses as a result of the youth contract. 

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Concept and purposes of the due diligence in Spain

The due diligence refers to an investigation procedure prior to acquiring or investing in a project. The aim of the due diligence is to give the investor or buyer a full knowledge of all the costs, benefits and risks involved in the transaction, so that he can take a reflexive decision.

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