Legal regulations on business hours in Spain
Royal Decree Law 8/2014 of 4 July, replaces Law 1/2014, referring to business hours in Spain, as well as to the criteria by which a city qualifies for major tourist destination status.
Royal Decree Law 8/2014 of 4 July, replaces Law 1/2014, referring to business hours in Spain, as well as to the criteria by which a city qualifies for major tourist destination status.
The Spanish government has approved a series of measures that are included in Royal Decree Law 8/2014, of 4 July 2014, which aim to promote competitiveness and improve the employment rate in Spain.
In Spain, the transfer of guarantee rights requires an agreement between the financing parties, formalized in a power of attorney and registered in the Registry, This prejudices the quotas liquidity.
Visiting a website does not imply that the user must provide personal information. However, often it is necessary to register and get a password to access the content of a web page. In such cases, the collection of the data must conform to the purpose, form, limitations and rights contained in the LOPD in Spain.
With more frequency, proceedings and lawsuits in Spain are with opponents from non-Spanish-speaking states. In such cases, the law in Spain requires the translation of written documents supporting the claim. Failure to do so may underestimate the written evidence and jeopardize the proceeding.
The protection of a work in Spain is now automatic thanks to the agreements concluded between European countries and copyright collecting companies.
The draft Law on Foundations in Spain intends to guarantee the better exercise of the right of establishment and compliance with the accompanying obligations arising from formation, not only through the foundation itself – through the purpose which justifies its existence – but also the public administrations that monitor its performance and grant, if need be, tax benefits to them.
The new fiscal measures that benefit small sized entreprises or SMEs in Spain reduce the Corporate tax to as low as 20,25%.
Thanks to the introduction of the European directives, copyright law has been harmonized throughout the European territory, including Spain, and has strengthened legal protection of creators.
The liquidation of a company in Spain is a legal option chosen in a shareholder’s meeting. It leads to the splitting of the company’s assets after complying with its obligation of payment to creditors.