Publications List

Jan Petr | Legal Internship

Jan Petr, June – September 2016

All lawyers and partners were always happy to answer my technical questions and helped me a lot during the accomplishment of all my tasks. All lawyers and partners were always happy to answer my technical questions and helped me a lot during the accomplishment of all my tasks. Furthermore, I get acquainted with the day-to-day running of the Spanish legal institutions.

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Tips and options to invest in Spain

There are many investment options available to foreign investors, that go from the opening of a new business, the investment in an already established business, the setting-up of a subsidiary or a franchise activity.

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New system of retribution for directors in Spain

One of the changes arising from the Law on Capital Companies in Spain is the distinction between directors acting in their capacity as directors whose remuneration is subject to the principle statutory reserve and directors performing executive functions who, in the event of receiving remuneration, are obliged to sign a contract with the Company.

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What kind of company is the best to invest in Spain?

The main legal forms to establish an activity in Spain have advantages and disadvantages. The correct choice will depend not only on the activity itself as well as on the capital amount you want to invest, but also on the number of shareholders among other factors.

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Leasing contracts in Spain: taxes and expenses

The building lease market in Spain has strengthened from the economic crisis and has begun to displace the ownership regime. However, the war between supply and the demand, and the hidden decoys behind feasible rents, can entail the assumption of taxes and expenses that parties should understand and negotiate.

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Victoria Lewis | Legal Internship

Victoria Lewis, June – August 2016

Overall, my time at Mariscal Abogados has been enriching, allowing me to develop my oral and written communication in both English and Spanish, teamwork skills, legal research and ability to adapt to unknown situations.

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Spain starts using online judicial auctions

Since October 2015, a website brings together notarial and judicial auctions in Spain. A citizen with prior registration and deposit will be able to consult and participate in an auction. Auctions affect both real estate and personal property, including those that would have been mortgaged.

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Master franchise agreements in Spain: the trust by selectivity

The Master Franchise agreement is an exclusivity contract of a British/American franchise abroad. Structured by a double legal relationship between the headquarters, the master franchisee and the local franchisee, the contract allows the extension of a business model and the spirit of a British/American franchise abroad legally and economically.

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Leasing contracts in Spain: expenses and fees

Aside from the responsibility of the taxable person (landlord) with regard to the Administration, and the more or less logical justification that could support the payment of expenses and fees related to leasing in Spain (community, supplies, waste), in Spain there is a principle of freedom to establish which taxes and expenses must be passed on to the tenant.

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