Publications List

Incorporation in Spain: forms of enterprise

To start a business in Spain, the choice of the appropriate legal form is crucial. In Spain, the main corporate forms are sole proprietor, partnership or corporation. Differences are present especially in the cost, time and liability.

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The importance of real estate funds in Spain

Investments in real estate funds in Spain are currently attractive due to low interest rates. For individual investors, there exists the advantage of being able to invest in real estate funds in larger projects such as shopping malls or office complexes. There is a distinction between open and closed real estate funds.

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Three ways to make a complaint to the CIRBE in Spain

The CIRBE (Centre of Risk Information of the Bank of Spain) is a public and confidential data base that collects information about direct and indirect risks for amounts greater than 6000 euros that credit entities have with their clients. Whenever a correction of information is needed, companies have three different possibilities to make a complaint.

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Employment implications of business subrogation in Spain

The aim of business succession regulation is to reinforce the guarantees of workers facing ownership changes, improve information resources and consultation, and increase participatory rights. A business owner must duly seek advice since he or she must take responsibility for pension commitments that workers have in accordance with specific regulations, as well as the various forms of supplementary social protections that the workers have may been endowed with (policies for civil responsibility, life, work-related accidents, temporary disability, help, etc.)

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Regulations on complimentary hours agreements in Spain

Article 12 of the Worker’s Statute regulates the completion of complimentary hours in Spain. Complimentary hours are those that surpass the ordinary working hours and are previously agreed to by the company and employee in writing, either at the signing of the part-time contract or afterwards.

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Entities Holding Foreign Security (ETVE) in Spain

The main characteristic of Spanish Entities Holding Foreign Security is the tax exemption with regards to dividends and capital gains. This constitutes an important incentive for those interested in establishing holding entities in Spain.

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