Publications List


The Franchisor registration is no longer required in Spain

The Spanish Ministry of Industry and Competitiveness has suspended the Franchisor Registraty in Spain and thus, the obligation for all franchisors to register. This Registry was used as an information mechanism to keep track of the existence of franchises and their development in Spain.

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GDPR Checklist

The breach of the new regulation can give rise to sanctions of up to 20 million euros or 4% of the total global business volume of a company. It would also mean a serious reputational damage for the company.

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Duties and functions of members of the Board of Directors in capital companies

Within the Board of Administration of the capital companies exist distinct responsibilities to which are attributed a series of particular functions. Regarding the distribution of positions within a Board of Directors, it is important to have clear distributions to the President, the Secretary and the rest of the members of the Board of Directors (members).

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Preliminary Draft of the Corporate Confidentiality Act in Spain

The new legislation extends the protection of the business secrets to the so-called “infringing goods”. This refers to those products and services whose design, characteristics, functioning, production process or marketing significantly benefit from business secrets unlawfully disclosed, exploited or acquired.

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