Are you buying a property in Spain?
Read the full article: Five tips to purchase a real estate in Spain
Read the full article: Five tips to purchase a real estate in Spain
Within the organisation of a company there are several managerial positions. Materially they differ in terms of their functions, but also formally, since each of them is subject to a different legal system, with the consequences that derive from it (labour or commercial relationship).
Although my time at Mariscal Abogados has come to an end, I spent four valuable months (September 2019 – January 2020) interning in their Madrid offices while getting my master’s …
The executive directors are members of the board of directors of a company that combine management and deliberative functions -proper for directors-, with decision execution functions -associated to the figure of senior executive-.
The Sole Additional Provision of the Law 10/2010 of 28 April establishes a new requirement to register on the Commercial Registry. This requirement extends to all professionals providing certain services to companies, whether natural or legal persons.
The “à la carte” working day is once again challenging companies in Spain. Beyond the impact on the organization of working days and shifts, workers’ demands can provide guarantees of indemnity against possible dismissals.
Read the full article: Working time record in Spain, what should the company take into account?
When partners of a subsidiary in Spain decide its closing due to economic reasons, the question arises as to how to do it. Depending on each specific case, the company may be dissolved and liquidated with or without bankruptcy proceedings.
Royal Decree Law 8/2019 of 8 March 12 May 2019 establishes that all companies carrying out an activity in Spain must keep a daily record of the working hours of their workers. Non-compliance with this measure may lead to fines up to €6,250.
When a foreign company decides to start an activity in Spain through a subsidiary company, it has two ways to do so: either the incorporation or the acquisition of a shelf-company. The choice of one or the other will depend on the circumstances.