Director’s Liabilities during the State of Alarm
Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 amends certain obligations of company directors when there is a legal or statutory cause for dissolution or if the company finds itself in a state of insolvency.
Royal Decree-Law 8/2020 amends certain obligations of company directors when there is a legal or statutory cause for dissolution or if the company finds itself in a state of insolvency.
Although the duties of company directors and senior managers may overlap, their rights and obligations to the company differ considerably. While the former is subject to commercial legislation, the latter is subject to labour law.
Informative note on the Royal Decree-Law 16/2020, of 28th April, regarding procedural and organisational measures to deal with Covid-19, especially concerning measures on insolvency proceedings.
The December 2018 reform of article 348 of Real Legislative Decree 1/2010, 2nd July, approving the consolidated text of the Law on Capital Companies, amends and clarifies the necessary conditions for a shareholder’s right to withdrawal due to a failure to distribute dividends in accordance with the mentioned law.
Among the measures approved by the government after the decree of the state of alert in Spain, the temporary suspension of employment contracts or ERTE (temporary employment regulation file) takes on special relevance for the company.
Read the full article: Labour Law in Spain: provisions on working hours and public holidays
Given the serious difficulties that the state of alarm decreed in Spain implies for the majority of our clients, at Mariscal & Abogados we have created an ad hoc team …
After the latest events related to the COVID-19 and more specifically with the state of alert decreed on March 13th in Spain, from Mariscal & Abogados we want to convey …
Photovoltaic projects in Spain require a pre-construction phase. Phase I consists of the provision of “development services” based on obtaining the necessary permits, licenses and authorisations to initiate the execution of the plant.