Publications List

Capital Gains Tax Spain

Important changes to the Capital Gains Tax in Spain

The Royal Decree-Law 26/2021 incorporates new rules to address the treatment of the Capital Gains Tax in Spain (IIVTNU). Article 104.5 of the Law Regulating Local Tax Office, which includes a new condition to not being subject to the tax, and Article 107 (which establishes two new calculation methods for the tax base of the Capital Gains Tax, in the case of capital gain) stand out.

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disciplinary dismissal

The disciplinary dismissal in Spain

Collective agreements may establish additional formal requirements to formalize a disciplinary dismissal. Their non-compliance may result in administrative sanctions for the company.

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Setting-up branch Spain

Setting-up a branch in Spain?

A branch is a secondary establishment subordinate to its parent company, meaning that it is an extension of the parent company in Spanish territory and does not require a minimum share capital for its incorporation.

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