IT Law


Data Protection and the Risk Information Centre in Spain

Knowing of the existence and operations of the Risk Information Centre of the Central Bank of Spain (CIRBE) is essential in understanding our rights and obligations related to certain financial information and in order to differentiate between patrimonial and credit solvency, commonly referred to as “defaulter files”, which are regulated by Art.

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The Spanish Copyright Law

Thanks to the introduction of the European directives, copyright law has been harmonized throughout the European territory, including Spain, and has strengthened legal protection of creators.

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New form to exercise the right to be forgotten in Google

On May 13, 2014, the European Court of Justice held that search engines on the Internet are responsible to protect the personal information of users on the web. As a result of the judgment, the search engine Google now provides a form by which users are able to demand the deletion of links to outdated or inappropriate information pertaining to their private life.

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Abogados tecnología de la información

Complaint forms and the Law of Data Protection in E-Commerce in Spain

Like any other form of trade, E- Commerce in Spain must have complaint forms available to their users. These forms, which contain personal data of users, must comply with the so-called LOPD (Ley Orgánica de la Protección de los Datos Personales), the general Law on Data Protection. In case of non- compliance, the business could be confronted with severe sanctions.

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The Value of E-mail as Evidence in Spain

Electronic mail has become an indispensable tool in Spain for the exchange of information in our daily lives, both personally and professionally. It is expected to gain legal significance as the Civil Procedure already recognizes its validity of electronic evidence at trial in Spain.

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The Telecommunications Law and Protection of Information in Spain

The new General Telecommunications Law 9/2014 updates the current legislation in Spain, which dates from 2003, with two fundamental objectives: to facilitate the deployment of new generation networks and to improve the supply of innovative services to citizens. It also recognizes more effective rights for end users concerning the protection of information.

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