Legal solutions for English-speaking companies with interests in Spain

Currently, a significant percentage of commercial transactions involve English. With nearly 90 bilateral agreements signed with various countries, Spain ensures a framework of legal protection conducive to establishing activities, making it a key destination for direct foreign investments.
The investments are situated in both key traditional sectors (such as chemical, automotive, textile, and shipbuilding industries) and in sectors with high growth potential, including renewable energy, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and plastic industries, as well as research and development in information technologies and data processing (e.g., software, artificial intelligence, and supercomputers). The flexibility and adaptability of economic operators, the quality of life, and the principle of free establishment offered by Spain actively support all these investments.
Mariscal Abogados has consistently regarded the United Kingdom and the United States as benchmarks. Our engagement with the North American market has led to a representative office in Miami, a hub for many companies with Spanish affiliations due to linguistic and cultural affinities. Additionally, we actively participate in various chambers and associations of international significance.
To provide comprehensive and strategic solutions for foreign companies interested in investing in Spain, Mariscal Abogados has established an English Desk led by Irene Terrazas.
Irene Terrazas

Irene holds a law degree from the University of Alcalá de Henares, has studied at the American University in Washington D.C. and earned the Certificat d’Initiation au Système Juridique Français from the Robert Schuman III University (Strasbourg).
In 2018, she became a part of the team at Mariscal Abogados and in January 2022, she was promoted to partner within the firm.
The international formation and experience of Irene Terrazas, together with his personal commitment have largely contributed to the strong expansion of the firm’s English Desk during the last years
English Desk Team
The English Desk comprises a team of highly qualified bilingual professionals trained in the United States, United Kingdom, and Spain. All team members are acquainted with the values, legal systems, and markets in international environments. The education and qualifications of our team enable us to provide comprehensive services, meet client expectations, and deliver the highest quality legal advisory services across all areas of law in Spain.