Energy Law

34 2024 Energy Storage in Spain

Energy Storage in Spain: Regulatory Framework

Energy storage is a key element in transitioning to a more sustainable energy system. We explore the current regulatory framework in Spain and analyze energy storage methods and the specific conditions for their implementation.

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08 2024 The CAE Agreement in Spain

The CAE Agreement in Spain: Parties and Provisions

The minimum content of the CAE Agreement, designed for the procurement or transfer of energy savings by a delegated or obligated entity, is outlined in Order TED/815/2023, dated July 18th. This order partially elaborates on Royal Decree 36/2023, of January 24th, governing the system of Energy Saving Certificates in Spain.

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61-2023 Balancing Service Providers in Spain

Becoming a Balancing Service Provider (BSP) in electricity trading in Spain

Becoming a Balancing Service Provider under Red Eléctrica Española involves meeting specific criteria that include financial, technical, and legal aspects. It requires demonstrating economic solvency and technical and operational capacity. Additionally, obtaining authorization to access the electricity grid and strict compliance with regulations are necessary to ensure transparency and efficiency in the electricity supply.

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15 2023 Spain speeds up environmental permits

The European Commission sets the requirements for green hydrogen in the EU

In line with the European strategy to increase the production and use of renewable energy, the European Commission has promoted renewable electricity to produce renewable liquid and gaseous fuels of non-biological origins, such as hydrogen. To this end, it has defined the requirements that hydrogen and other hydrogen-based fuels must meet to be “green”, reducing some of the legal uncertainty.

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