Company Law

The legal regime of holding companies in Spain

Due to the novelties introduced by the 2015 tax reform, it is important to check the composition of a company’s assets in order to evaluate its possible qualification as a holding company and to conduct sound tax planning.

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The new 2015 Spanish Corporate Governance Code for listed companies

The new Spanish Corporate Governance Code for listed companies aims to improve the corporate governance framework. This improvement can be done by boosting competitiveness and building transparency. In practice, one of the main principles presented by the Code is the “comply or explain” principle which distinguishes between binding rules and recommendations.

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Legal forms of company formation in Spain

The Spanish Corporation Law (Ley de Sociedades de Capital, LSC) distinguishes between the legal forms of a corporation, partnership and individual entrepreneurship when forming a company in Spain. This is a list of the main features regarding shareholders, equity, liability, founding costs, name assignment and notarial certification.

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Dissolution and winding-up of a company in Spain

Through this article, our ambition is to briefly describe the process of the dissolution and winding-up described in the Spanish Companies Act as a mechanism to put an end to the activity of a company in Spain, but also to clarify the main difference with the process of winding-up in the case of bankruptcy.

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Dissolution of a Limited Liability Company in Spain

Of the various probable instances for the dissolution of an L.L.C. in Spain, some are based on economic reasons (accumulation of losses, capital reduction below a legal threshold, etc.) and others may be due to the behaviour of its partners (paralysis of the company, agreement on the dissolution, etc.).

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The compliance officer’s role in a company

With the reform of the Spanish Penal Code and the debut of criminal liability for legal entities, the supervision and compliance management allocated to a compliance officer has a significant importance for companies.

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