Business Law

How to start an SME in Spain

Establishing a business in Spain demands understanding not only the local legal system and traditions but also compliance with European directives and international conventions. This intricate legal landscape necessitates a comprehensive assessment of how both Spanish and international laws impact the initiation of a new business venture by an optimistic foreign entrepreneur.

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International Purchases. The questions of which law applies?

In international transactions, a common concern is determining the applicable law for a sales contract involving parties from different countries. Unfortunately, many international agreements lack a crucial element known as a choice of law provision. The absence of this clause can lead to unforeseen complications, particularly in the realm of debt collection, causing challenges for both parties.

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Rules and regulatins

The regulation in defence of competition in Spain

Spain’s competition defense is governed by Law 15/2007, enacted on July 3, which revamped the system and created the National Commission of Competition. Effective from September 1, 2007, the law emphasizes procedural aspects, especially the Clemency Program, providing exemption and fine reduction for companies collaborating against cartels.

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Amendments to the Unfair Competiton Act in Spain and its influence on other legislation

Act No 29/09 integrates EU Directive 2005/29/EC on unfair commercial practices and Directive 2006/114/EC on deceptive and comparative advertising into Spanish law. This incorporation, effective since January 2010, brings substantial changes to the Unfair Competition Act, General Advertising Act, Consumer Protection Act, and other related legislation, including the Retail Trade Organization Act.

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Types of trade agreements in Spain

Trade Agreements in General In Spain, like in many other countries of the European Union, the party autonomy, which ensures the contractual freedom of the parties is one of the …

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