Mariscal Abogados

Procedures to retrieve a heritage in Spain

To determine the assets of a deceased party in Spain, take the following steps: create an account on the Registry of Movable Assets website to access their registered assets, and check for company ownership and financial status through the Registry of Commerce using the same process.

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Changes to the small claims procedure in Spain

On May 4, 2010, the Procedural Law in Spain underwent a reform with Law 13/2009, significantly expanding the application of the law. The small claims procedure, known as “proceso monitorio,” saw a substantial extension in its scope. Under the reformed legislation, debts of up to €250,000 can now be recovered, a significant increase from the previous limit of €30,000.

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Taxes on inheritance and gifts in Spain

The inheritance and gift taxes in Spain taxes the increase on wealth of a property, right or asset, the first one by reason of death of the transferor, the second one while still alive. Both must be paid by the beneficiaries, the amount will be vary depending on which autonomous community the asset is.

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Melanie Glover, June – September 2009

PDF- M.-Cooley-Law-School-Magazine-Winter-2009 Mariscal Abogados provides law students with the opportunity to expand on his/her substantive and practical legal education by practcing alongside an experienced team of attorneys. Melanie gained experience in …

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Rules and regulatins

The regulation in defence of competition in Spain

Spain’s competition defense is governed by Law 15/2007, enacted on July 3, which revamped the system and created the National Commission of Competition. Effective from September 1, 2007, the law emphasizes procedural aspects, especially the Clemency Program, providing exemption and fine reduction for companies collaborating against cartels.

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Amendments to the Unfair Competiton Act in Spain and its influence on other legislation

Act No 29/09 integrates EU Directive 2005/29/EC on unfair commercial practices and Directive 2006/114/EC on deceptive and comparative advertising into Spanish law. This incorporation, effective since January 2010, brings substantial changes to the Unfair Competition Act, General Advertising Act, Consumer Protection Act, and other related legislation, including the Retail Trade Organization Act.

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contrato de trabajo en españa

Seizure or attachment of assets in Spain

Asset seizure, or attachment, is a process that enables creditors to collect from delinquent debtors by looking to their assets, including property, goods, and/or earnings. There are two principal types …

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