Labour Law

22 2024 Permanent Disability in Spain

Permanent Disability in Spain after the 544/2024 Ruling

Following Supreme Court ruling 544/2024, Absolute Permanent Disability and Major Disability benefits are now incompatible with any work requiring Social Security contributions. The new criteria allow only minor, occasional work that does not involve registration or contributions, aiming to protect genuine cases of income loss due to disability.

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65-2023 Collective Bargaining Agreements in Spain

Can my company apply for more than one collective bargaining agreement in Spain?

In a complex labor environment, companies engaged in diverse activites face uncertainty regarding the application of collective bargaining agreements in industrial relations. There is an ongoing debate about the feasibility of utilizing different agreements versus a single agreement. Critical factors such as corporate purpose, turnover, and contracting activities play a pivotal role in making this decision.

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37 2023 Collective labour disputes

Collective Labour Disputes in Spain

The collective dispute is a procedure invoked due to disagreements in labour matters in Spain. It involves a general interest claim made by a group of workers regarding the application and interpretation of a state regulation, collective agreement or a decision or practice adopted by a company.

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03 2023 Collective bargaining agreements Spain

Why are collective bargaining agreements crucial in Spain?

Collective bargaining agreements have a crucial impact on governing the relationship between companies and their employees. Therefore, companies operating in Spain must have a comprehensive understanding of the collective agreement applicable to their company and adhere to it, avoiding potential conflicts and ensuring compliance with labour obligations.

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62 2022 Illegal transfer workers

Illegal Transfer of Workers in Spain: Know the Risks?

The transfer of workers is prohibited in Spain; temporary employment agencies (TEAs or ETTs in Spain) are the only entities authorized to hire temporary staff and place them at the disposal of another company. Companies must comply with this regulation, as the legal and economic consequences of committing irregularities in this matter can be drastic.

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