Approval of the Royal Decree Developing the Mediation Law on Civil and Commercial Matters in Spain

The Spanish Council of Ministers endorsed the Royal Decree on the development of certain areas that the Mediation Law on Civil and Commercial Matters, No. 5/2012 of July 6, 2012, governs. This Royal Decree focuses on strengthening the ombudsman’s role to promote consensus to solve conflicts and therefore compensate the services of an overburdened Spanish Administration of Justice.

Among the Royal Decree’s elements, the Spanish Council of Ministers insisted on four main novelties that the Royal Decree introduced: (1) the formation of the ombudsman; (2) the Ombudsman and Mediating Institutions Registry; (3) the civil liability insurance contract or the ombudsman’s equivalent guarantee; and finally (4) the mediation procedure simplified by electronic means.

If you need legal assistance regarding mediation law in Spain,

Please note that this article is not intended to provide legal advice.

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