Energy storage is a fundamental aspect of the transition toward more sustainable energy sources. This article summarizes the current regulations in Spain regarding energy storage facilities, highlighting their main features and legal requirements.
General Considerations on Energy Storage
The Energy Storage Strategy, essential for ensuring the security, quality, sustainability, and profitability of energy supply, emerges as a key tool for the effective and flexible management of energy demand. This strategy enables energy to be stored during periods of maximum production and released when demand or need is highest.
In addition to improving grid stability, energy storage systems optimize the management of charging and discharging processes, reducing energy losses in transmission and distribution.
The main energy storage methods are as follows:
- Large scale (GW): Reversible hydroelectric (pumped storage) and thermal storage
- Grid storage (MW): Batteries, capacitors, superconductors, and flywheels
- End-user level (kW): Batteries, superconductors, and flywheels
Legal Framework for Energy Storage in Spain
In the Spanish regulatory framework, energy storage facilities are defined as those that allow the final use of electricity to be deferred to a time after its generation, or that convert electrical energy into a form that can be stored and subsequently reconverted into electricity.
The current legal regime governing energy storage in Spain is shaped by various regulations and strategies, which helps explain the underlying reasons behind this regulatory framework.
Energy Storage Strategy
Approved by the Council of Ministers at the proposal of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO), this strategy aims to increase the energy storage capacity from the current 8.3 GW to 20 GW by 2030 and 30 GW by 2050. This initiative is essential for the deployment of renewable energies, ensuring the security, quality, sustainability, and profitability of the energy supply.
Energy storage systems are essential for the management and flexibility of energy demand, allowing the storage of energy during production peaks for release when demand is higher. The Government’s strategy aims to meet this need within a relatively short timeframe.
Regulation (EU) 2022/2577 of the Council of 22 December 2022
Regulation (EU) 2022/2577 establishes a regulatory framework to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy, including energy storage projects. Among other provisions, it allows Member States to adopt measures that facilitate energy storage, such as exempting these projects from environmental impact assessments under certain conditions, thus easing their integration into the electrical system.
In addition to this regulation, complementary legislation addresses hybridization in energy storage, promoting the integration of storage systems with energy generation installations from renewable sources. Article 27.2 of Royal Decree 1183/2020, of 29 December, regulates access and connection to electricity transmission and distribution networks and establishes the conditions for the hybridization of generation facilities with storage systems. Additionally, the regulation refers to the conditions set out in the FAQ from the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO), which clarifies the administrative milestones established in Royal Decree-Law 23/2020, of 23 June, concerning energy-related measures and economic recovery. Stand-alone installations must also comply with these milestones, as they are classified as generation facilities.
The legal framework for storage facilities has been aligned with that of generation facilities, encompassing aspects related to requests for access and connection to the electricity grid. However, hybrid installations must adhere to additional requirements, including obtaining multiple authorizations: Prior Administrative Authorization, Construction Administrative Authorization, and Operating Authorization.
In summary, the legal framework for energy storage in Spain reflects its fundamental role in the transition towards a more sustainable energy model. The Energy Storage Strategy, along with national and European regulations, provides a framework for the development and integration of these systems, recognizing their importance in flexible demand management and grid stability. Energy storage facilities are regulated under a framework similar to that of generation facilities, with specific requirements regarding authorizations, grid access, and the promotion of hybridization with renewable energy sources.
This regulatory framework is crucial for achieving the storage capacity targets set for 2030 and 2050, ensuring the sustainability and efficiency of the energy supply in Spain.
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